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崎路父子情英文影评 版本2

admin 在 2008-12-10 19:59 发表于 评论(0) 阅读(1628)

崎路父子情英文影评 版本2"It's stupid, really," Blake Morrison tells his wife. "You spend a lifetime trying to avoid talking to someone, and then all of a sudden, it's too late." He has returned to the Yorkshire town where he was born, and where his father i… [ 详细内容>> ]

分类: 英文电影影评 | 来源: 130影萍网 | 标签: 《崎路父子情》

暴力街区13区(2004)英文影评Banlieue 13

admin 在 2008-12-10 19:53 发表于 评论(0) 阅读(2954)

暴力街区13区(2004)英文影评Banlieue 13暴力街区英文名:Banlieue 13 At the whirling-dervish center of the French action film "District B13" is a fighting discipline known as parkour. I'm pretty sure that's French for "somersaulting over balconies while drop-k… [ 详细内容>> ]

分类: 英文电影影评 | 来源: 130影萍网 | 标签: 《暴力街区13区》


admin 在 2012-06-12 23:19 发表于 评论(0) 阅读(2445)

电影《笔仙惊魂》影评:青春与灵异结合  就目前来看,国内惊悚题材的电影也已经形成了固定的套路,各种类型都有相对稳定的拥趸影迷。然而,问题也显而易见,不断重复的类型化故事很容易让观众乏味,从而失去继续观影的兴趣。因而如何在已有的基础上进一步进行优化组合,以便推陈出新,给观众以更多的… [ 详细内容>> ]

分类: 中国电影影评 | 来源: 130影萍网 | 标签: 笔仙惊魂 何杜娟 翟文斌 王一 午马

复制贝多芬Copying Beethoven英文影评

admin 在 2008-12-10 19:33 发表于 评论(0) 阅读(2214)

复制贝多芬Copying Beethoven英文影评In the movies, the life of the mind often turns to mush and stories about genius tend to be painfully dumb. Film seems to have such a firm hold on exterior reality that the inner world of creation is simply too mysterious and elusive for com… [ 详细内容>> ]

分类: 英文电影影评 | 来源: 130影萍网 | 标签: 《复制贝多芬》


admin 在 2008-12-10 19:01 发表于 评论(0) 阅读(2031)

别惹佐汉英文影评Let me be blunt: “You Don’t Mess With the Zohan” is the finest post-Zionist action-hairdressing comedy I have ever seen. That it is the only one I have ever seen — and why is that? what cultural deficiency or ideolog… [ 详细内容>> ]

分类: 英文电影影评 | 来源: 130影萍网 | 标签: 《别惹佐汉》


admin 在 2008-12-10 18:37 发表于 评论(0) 阅读(2634)

生化危机2启示录英文影评I'm trying to remember what the city was called in the original "Resident Evil" (2002). I don't think it was called anything, but in the new "Resident Evil: Apocalypse," it's called Raccoon City, just like in the original video g… [ 详细内容>> ]

分类: 英文电影影评 | 来源: 130影萍网 | 标签: 《生化危机2:启示录》

地狱男爵2影评Hellboy II

admin 在 2008-12-10 18:32 发表于 评论(0) 阅读(2265)

地狱男爵2影评Hellboy IIThere are moments in “Hellboy 2: The Golden Army,” Guillermo del Toro’s profligate sequel to “Hellboy,” capable of delighting even the most jaded, comic-book-weary summer-blockbuster conscript. (That would be me… [ 详细内容>> ]

分类: 英文电影影评 | 来源: 130影萍网 | 标签: 《地狱男爵2:黄金军团》

电影《长驱直入》The Longshots英文影评

admin 在 2008-12-10 18:25 发表于 评论(0) 阅读(1769)

电影《长驱直入》The Longshots英文影评导演:Fred Durst 第一副导演:Scott Cameron In the annals of unconventional director/leading man match-ups, few are as odd as The Longshots, a PG-rated football drama that stars one-time gangsta rapper Ice Cube and was directed… [ 详细内容>> ]

分类: 英文电影影评 | 来源: 130影萍网 | 标签: 《长驱直入》


admin 在 2008-12-10 18:01 发表于 评论(0) 阅读(2288)

导演:William Dieterle 制片人:Irving Asher A fast-paced film noir competently directed by William Dieterle from a taut script by Warren Duff. It's based on Horace McCoy's novel "Storm in the City" and inspired by the Ke… [ 详细内容>> ]

分类: 英文电影影评 | 来源: 130影萍网 | 标签: 无

灾难大电影Disaster Movie英文影评

admin 在 2008-12-10 17:50 发表于 评论(0) 阅读(1733)

灾难大电影Disaster Movie英文影评灾难大电影 导演:Jason Friedberg影评正文:The MPAA has rated Disaster Movie PG-13 for crude and ual content throughout, language, drug references and comic violence. I suspect Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer, th… [ 详细内容>> ]

分类: 英文电影影评 | 来源: 130影萍网 | 标签: 《灾难大电影》

英文电影影评: 大学之旅College Road Trip

admin 在 2008-12-10 17:47 发表于 评论(0) 阅读(2766)

英文电影影评: 大学之旅College Road Trip导演:Roger Kumble 主演:Martin Lawrence Melanie is a top-notch senior and aspiring lawyer, who successfully defends the Big Bad Wolf against Three Little Piggy plaintiffs in a mock trial at school. She can't wait for the go… [ 详细内容>> ]

分类: 英文电影影评 | 来源: 130影萍网 | 标签: 《大学之旅》

空中监狱Con Air (1997)英文影评

admin 在 2008-12-10 17:26 发表于 评论(0) 阅读(3001)

空中监狱Con Air (1997)英文影评The thrill ride genre is a study in shorthand. ''Con Air'': convicts on an airplane. (''Do the math,'' as one character inevitably says about something nonmathematical, using the season's best-loved cliche… [ 详细内容>> ]

分类: 英文电影影评 | 来源: 130影萍网 | 标签: 《空中监狱》

街头俏妞Curly Sue英文影评

admin 在 2008-12-10 21:26 发表于 评论(0) 阅读(2061)

街头俏妞Curly Sue英文影评"Curly Sue" is a cornball, soupy, syrupy, sentimental exercise in audience manipulation, but that's the good news, because this is a movie that works. I don't know how and I don't know why, but somehow the film got around my guar… [ 详细内容>> ]

分类: 英文电影影评 | 来源: 130影萍网 | 标签: 《街头俏妞》

心灵点滴 Patch Adams review by James Berardinelli

admin 在 2008-12-25 16:06 发表于 评论(0) 阅读(2111)

<P>What is the difference between a bad melodrama and a good one? The key lies in the emotional response. If the viewer feels that he or she is being forced into reacting in a particular way because of "button pushing," the film makers have err… [ 详细内容>> ]

分类: 英文电影影评 | 来源: 130影萍网 | 标签: 无

心灵点滴 Patch Adams review by Greg King

admin 在 2008-12-25 16:19 发表于 评论(0) 阅读(1699)

<P>Patch Adams tells the story of a dedicated and unconventional doctor who challenged the traditional wisdom of his teachers and peers. An idealistic medical student, Hunter "Patch" Adams (Robin Williams) believed that doctors should treat the… [ 详细内容>> ]

分类: 英文电影影评 | 来源: 130影萍网 | 标签: 无


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