专辑名称:The Fame Monster
歌手姓名:Lady GaGa
原本我们是不应该看到这张<The Fame Monster>的,因为Lady GaGa的公司压根儿就没给出她一张新专辑的预算,而是作为大热专辑<The Fame>豪华改版专辑中附赠的一张CD,但那张改版专辑价钱实在是太过于“豪华”,我们的贾夫人Lady GaGa为了体恤歌迷,多次跟公司协商争取,才让这张<The Fame Monster>作为一张全新专辑出世,价钱比起预定中的改版专辑要减少一半多。不禁觉得,我们在关注Lady GaGa的时候,太多关注了她的所谓“雷人”,关心她这次又“雷”出了什么花样,而实际上她的敬业让这些“雷人”的元素得以夸张的恰到好处,如果大家看过她新专辑中<Bad Romance>的MV制作花絮,就会对这一点体会更加深刻,从排练到NG数次,看来想要“雷人”没有一定的敬业精神是不行的。而像她这种为了歌迷腰包着想的就更是少之又少了,比起我们华语乐坛的一次又一次A钱的没有诚意的改版和精选集,特别是最近某可爱女生的6CD新歌加精选,以及某仅发行过两三张专辑就出精选的宅男,Lady GaGa的巨星风范就体现在“亲民”上,虽然在全球唱片业不景气的大前提下,公司纷纷想尽办法A钱,也无可厚非,但这样的Lady GaGa为了歌迷而不惜跟公司较劲,是不是一种巨星典范呢?而即便这张碟子作为改版附赠也是超值,8首全新录音室作品诚意十足,而Beyonce与Lady GaGa自从在VMA上“化敌为友”后,这次更是合作了<Telephone>,两大巨星惺惺相惜,也真是难得。同时嚼点儿小槽,<Bad Romance>开头是不是很像蔡依林《唇唇欲动》的开头?哈哈,我只是说像,我可没说别的哈。(文/
SANTA MONICA, Calif., Oct. 8 /PRNewswire/ -- Lady Gaga announced today that she will release The Fame Monster, a re-package of her 4 million-selling album The Fame. The album will include the entire breakthrough album The Fame, along with eight entirely new songs. The Fame Monster (Streamline/KonLive/Cherrytree/Interscope Records), deals with the seamier side of fame, as experienced by Gaga over the course of her last history-making year. The new version will be released on November 24, 2009.
Says Lady Gaga, "On my re-release The Fame Monster, I wrote about everything I didn't write on The Fame. While traveling the world for two years, I've encountered several monsters, each represented by a different song on the new record: my 'Fear of Sex Monster,' my 'Fear of Alcohol Monster,' my 'Fear of Love Monster,' my 'Fear of Death Monster,' my 'Fear of Loneliness Monster,' etc."
"I spent a lot of nights in Eastern Europe, and this album is a pop experimentation with industrial/Goth beats, 90's dance melodies, an obsession with the lyrical genius of 80's melancholic pop, and the runway. I wrote while watching muted fashion shows and I am compelled to say my music was scored for them. I also composed a ballad for the album, 'Speechless,' a song for my father, and it's my favorite work of all. I wrote every piece on the road - no songs about money, no songs about fame. I wrote it for my fans, so I wrote everything in between."
The first club-banging single, the RedOne-produced "Bad Romance," will be released in early November. Other collaborators on the new tracks include Teddy Riley, Rodney Jerkins, Ron Fair and Fernando Garibay.
Lady Gaga is also in the process of planning her next tour after her co-headlining tour with Kanye West was canceled last week.
1. Bad Romance
2. Alejandro
3. Monster
4. So Happy I Could Die
5. Speechless
6. Dance In The Dark
7. Telephone
8. Teeth
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