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雄起日 英文影评 Humpday Movie Review


影萍发表于2009-07-21 02:08
来源:130影萍网 标签:雄起日Humpday


Humpday Movie Review By David Kempler

These Are Two Real Humps


In "Humpday" we have two 30-ish gentlemen, who view themselves as super-cool, that are off on a post-college adventure where each is trying to prove to the other (and to themselves) that they are as cool as they ever were. It's pretty clear from the get go that these are wannabes - or more accurately, never-wases.


Ben (Mark Duplass) has moved on to the "traditional" life as husband, businessman and soon-to-be-daddy. His wife Anna (Alycia Delmore), exudes sweetness and innocence, with a slight undercurrent of iness. Ben and Anna are at home when a late night knock at the door announces the arrival of Andrew (Joshua Leonard). His entrance is of the mild hurricane variety. His life, as recounted by him, has been one of endless adventure on the road, moving from one exotic place to another. It is time that these two "bad boys" reunite so we can witness where they have been, where they are currently, and where they are going. www.130q.com


Clearly, Andrew is going to disturb Ben and Anna's placid life, as opposed to suburbia rubbing off on Andrew. Else there is really no story to be told. Disturb it he does, Andrew meets a hippie-type lady or, to be more precise, a hippie haven of sorts that seems to have been transported by time capsule from the 60s to the present. Every drug known to man is being taken and free love in all forms is there for the mere asking. Andrew likes this. Ben craves it, even if he isn't aware of it at a conscious level.


What follows is a very interesting premise for a story and it almost works as intended. Where it falls apart is that the premise can only work if it is followed through upon, not just talked about endlessly. The premise is: wouldn't it be cool to make a gay porno starring two heteroual men? Yeah, it sounds stupid when I read it back to myself after writing it, but to the credit of writer-director Lynn Shelton it actually seems like a plausible undertaking in the film. It's a tad ironic and a darn shame when it turns into verbal masturbation instead of an actual daring venture into what might have been. Because of this, the last half hour of "Humpday" plays like two college kids who have just smoked a joint, that are now pondering the "deepness" of their own inane thoughts.


Until it comes apart at the seams, "Humpday" is clever and features some decent performances, with Ms. Delmore's being easily the most vivid and believable. Overall, it's worth a peek because there are some intriguing points and some pretty fair dialogue, at least until Ben and Andrew (the two humps) mutilate the ending, turning it into a tedious exercise. If you happen upon "Humpday", do yourself a favor and leave when the hotel scene near the end begins. Then you will be able to say you enjoyed the whole thing.


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