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市政大厅 City Hall review by Desson Howe 英语影评

浅影 发表于 2009-01-18 00:01 | 0 条评论 | 1713 次阅读

市政大厅 City Hall review by Desson Howe 英文影评
市政大厅,City Hall
We get to know the everyday workings of New York Mayor John Pappas: the way he strikes deals with makeshift allies, handles the political crises of the day and puts the best … [详细内容]

分类:英文电影影评 | 来源:130影萍网 | 标签:市政大厅 City Hall

市政大厅 City Hall review by James Berardinelli 英文影评

浅影 发表于 2009-01-17 23:58 | 0 条评论 | 1807 次阅读

市政大厅 City Hall review by James Berardinelli英文影评
市政大厅,City Hall

There's nothing quite like watching screen veteran Al Pacino overact, something he accomplishes with unparalleled style and verve. Such grandstanding won him an Acade… [详细内容]

分类:英文电影影评 | 来源:130影萍网 | 标签:市政大厅 City Hall

英文影评: 庸人哈尔 Shallow Hal review by ROGER EBERT

浅影 发表于 2009-01-16 01:49 | 0 条评论 | 2387 次阅读

英文影评: 庸人哈尔 Shallow Hal review by ROGER EBERT 英文影评:庸人哈尔 Shallow Hal review by ROGER EBERT
庸人哈尔,Shallow Hal
'Shallow Hal" is given words of wisdom at the deathbed of his father, who under the influence of pain-killers is speaking from the deepest recesses of his being."Hot youn… [详细内容]

分类:英文电影影评 | 来源:130影萍网 | 标签:庸人哈尔 Shallow Hal

英文影评: 庸人哈尔 Shallow Hal review by TOR THORSEN

浅影 发表于 2009-01-16 01:46 | 0 条评论 | 2192 次阅读

英文影评:庸人哈尔 Shallow Hal review by TOR THORSEN
庸人哈尔,Shallow Hal
The trailer for Shallow Hal makes it seem like a startlingly insensitive comedy that mocks fat people— or plus-sized people, or people of circumference, or whatever … [详细内容]

分类:英文电影影评 | 来源:130影萍网 | 标签:庸人哈尔 Shallow Hal

英文影评: 庸人哈尔 Shallow Hal review by Stephanie Zacharek

浅影 发表于 2009-01-16 01:45 | 0 条评论 | 2242 次阅读

英文影评:庸人哈尔 Shallow Hal review by Stephanie Zacharek
庸人哈尔,Shallow Hal
"Shallow Hal" opens with a dying man's advice to his young son, and they're words to live by:"Don't be satisfied with routine poontang." If part of what people lov… [详细内容]

分类:英文电影影评 | 来源:130影萍网 | 标签:庸人哈尔 Shallow Hal

英文影评: 庸人哈尔 Shallow Hal review by James Berardinelli

浅影 发表于 2009-01-16 01:42 | 0 条评论 | 2144 次阅读

英文影评:庸人哈尔 Shallow Hal review by James Berardinelli
庸人哈尔,Shallow Hal
Since they burst upon the motion picture scene with Dumb and Dumber, the Farrelly Brothers, Bobby and Peter, have been known as the Kings of Vulgar Comedy. So, give… [详细内容]

分类:英文电影影评 | 来源:130影萍网 | 标签:庸人哈尔 Shallow Hal

英文剧本: 物归原主 Closing the Ring Script

浅影 发表于 2009-01-15 14:39 | 0 条评论 | 1865 次阅读

英文剧本:物归原主 Closing the Ring Script
物归原主,Closing the Ring

Closing the Ring script
Our God is marching on
Glory, glory, hallelujah
Glory, glory, hallelujah
Glory, glory, hallelujah
His truth is marching on
In the beauty of the lilies… [详细内容]

分类:英文电影影评 | 来源:130影萍网 | 标签:物归原主 Closing the Ring

英文影评: 物归原主 Closing the Ring review by Jennie Kermode

浅影 发表于 2009-01-15 14:37 | 0 条评论 | 1649 次阅读

英文影评: 物归原主 Closing the Ring review by Jennie Kermode 英文影评:物归原主 Closing the Ring review by Jennie Kermode
物归原主,Closing the Ring

Everybody knows that Sir Richard Attenborough is a gifted filmmaker who can always be relied upon to turn out a polished product. Less well known is Peter… [详细内容]

分类:英文电影影评 | 来源:130影萍网 | 标签:物归原主 Closing the Ring

英文影评: 物归原主 Closing the Ring review by Time Out London

浅影 发表于 2009-01-15 14:35 | 0 条评论 | 1666 次阅读

英文影评:物归原主 Closing the Ring review by Time Out London
物归原主,Closing the Ring

At 84, this much-loved bastion of British cinema has a new film, energised presumably by an endearing tale with strong appeal for the more mature viewer. … [详细内容]

分类:英文电影影评 | 来源:130影萍网 | 标签:物归原主 Closing the Ring

英文影评: 物归原主 Closing the Ring review by Matthew Turner

浅影 发表于 2009-01-15 14:33 | 0 条评论 | 1591 次阅读

英文影评:物归原主 Closing the Ring review by Matthew Turner
物归原主,Closing the Ring
Enjoyable, handsomely made drama with a well written script and strong performances from a superb cast.
What's it all about?
Directed by Richard Attenboro… [详细内容]

分类:英文电影影评 | 来源:130影萍网 | 标签:物归原主 Closing the Ring

英文影评: 物归原主 Closing the Ring review by David Nusair

浅影 发表于 2009-01-15 14:31 | 0 条评论 | 1863 次阅读

英文影评:物归原主 Closing the Ring review by David Nusair
物归原主,Closing the Ring
Closing the Ring is a relentlessly uneven yet occasionally compelling drama that follows a recently-widowed woman(Shirley MacLaine's Ethel) as she recalls h… [详细内容]

分类:英文电影影评 | 来源:130影萍网 | 标签:物归原主 Closing the Ring

《刺杀希特勒》影评: 汤姆·克鲁斯新作

admin 发表于 2009-01-14 00:55 | 0 条评论 | 3167 次阅读

《刺杀希特勒》影评: 汤姆·克鲁斯新作 话说自2003年的《最后的武士》以来,汤姆·克鲁斯已经整整五年没有严肃出演一部电影了,遗憾的是,这些年里全心投入的商业制作,也并没有带给他那么可观的回报。《刺杀希特勒》在多次改变上映日期之后,又提前一天选择在圣诞节这一天在北美上映,看起来很像是克鲁… [详细内容]

分类:美国电影影评 | 来源:130影萍网 | 标签:刺杀希特勒 汤姆·克鲁斯

英文影评: 自由作家 Freedom Writers review by MaryAnn Johanson

joeexl 发表于 2009-01-14 00:26 | 0 条评论 | 3572 次阅读

英文影评: 自由作家 Freedom Writers review by MaryAnn Johanson 英文影评:自由作家 Freedom Writers review by MaryAnn Johanson
自由作家,Freedom Writers

Poor Hilary Swank. She’s had a terrible year, and it’s only April. The biblical dog The Reaping is currently hounding her like Cerebus, but he… [详细内容]

分类:英文电影影评 | 来源:130影萍网 | 标签:自由作家 Freedom Writers

《失乐园》: 役所广司

joeexl 发表于 2009-01-13 01:08 | 0 条评论 | 3859 次阅读

《失乐园》: 役所广司 前段时间看周防正行的《即使是这样也不是我做的》,又看到役所广司,十多年过去了,他非但没老,还愈发年轻。想起当年看同样是两人合作的《谈谈情跳跳舞》时的情形,中年人的小情小调也看的有滋有味。这个日本中老年妇女的偶像(不对,应该是中青年妇女的暗恋对象… [详细内容]

分类:日本电影影评 | 来源:130影萍网 | 标签:失乐园 役所广司

《香水》影评: 天使的救赎

admin 发表于 2009-01-13 22:54 | 0 条评论 | 6856 次阅读

《香水》影评: 天使的救赎 上半年看过最好看的电影之一。原著者德国作家帕特里克·聚斯金德的小说没看过,据说跟影片神形相似。影片将原著中诡秘的气氛释放开来,让一切文字都有了形体的描摹。关于原著,最大的疑问就是如何用光影描写影片的神髓——香水的气味。这样一个无形无状的气体如今… [详细内容]

分类:法国电影影评 | 来源:130影萍网 | 标签:香水 Perfume: The Story of a Murderer