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新郎不是我 Made Of Honor review by Stephanie Zacharek

admin 发表于 2008-12-26 19:07 | 0 条评论 | 1104 次阅读

<P>Faces -- interesting ones, attractive ones, expressive ones -- have always been a major part of what draws us to the movies, and it's clear that the big selling point of "Made of Honor" is the raffishly semishaved mug of Patrick Dempsey. Dem… [详细内容]

分类:英文电影影评 | 来源:130影萍网 | 标签:无

迷失东京 Lost in Translation review by David Nusair

admin 发表于 2008-12-26 18:52 | 0 条评论 | 1209 次阅读

<P>Lost in Translation marks Sofia Coppola's second directorial effort, following The Virgin Suicides, and it's just about on par with that film. The two movies share a dreamy quality and relaxed pace that you're either going to love or hate; w… [详细内容]

分类:英文电影影评 | 来源:130影萍网 | 标签:无

末代皇帝 The Last Emperor review by Roger Ebert

admin 发表于 2008-12-26 18:50 | 0 条评论 | 1559 次阅读

<P>The boy was 3 when he first sat on the Dragon Throne as emperor of China, and 7 when he abdicated. He had barely reached what in the West is considered the age of reason, and already events beyond his control had shaped his life forever. Ber… [详细内容]

分类:英文电影影评 | 来源:130影萍网 | 标签:无

加勒比海盗3 Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End review by David Nusair

admin 发表于 2008-12-26 18:47 | 0 条评论 | 1446 次阅读

Given the extent to which Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End relentlessly spins its wheels throughout its ridiculously and oppressively overlong running time, there's ultimately little doubt that this bloated trilogy would've fared far be… [详细内容]

分类:英文电影影评 | 来源:130影萍网 | 标签:无

马语者 The Horse Whisperer review by James Berardinelli

admin 发表于 2008-12-26 18:35 | 0 条评论 | 1391 次阅读

<P>Low, gray clouds scud across the sky while the grass of a seemingly-endless plain ripples in response to the prompting of a spring breeze. Thunder rumbles in the distance. On another day, a bright sun gazes down on those same fields while ca… [详细内容]

分类:英文电影影评 | 来源:130影萍网 | 标签:无

猜火车 Trainspotting review by Desson Howe

admin 发表于 2008-12-26 18:19 | 0 条评论 | 1418 次阅读

<P>The movie tags at the heels of Edinburgh social dropouts Renton, Spud, Sick Boy and Begbie, for whom getting off beats getting out. After all, there's nothing outside their dingy flats but a dead economy, English imperialism and that nebulou… [详细内容]

分类:英文电影影评 | 来源:130影萍网 | 标签:无

一夜风流 It Happened One Night review by Scott

admin 发表于 2008-12-26 18:10 | 0 条评论 | 1483 次阅读

<P>In 1934, It Happened One Night was released to both critical and popular success. It was based on a short story, Night Bus, which was first published in Cosmopolitan and it featured two of the most popular stars of its day.<BR>It went on to … [详细内容]

分类:英文电影影评 | 来源:130影萍网 | 标签:无

遗愿清单 The Bucket List review by Roger Ebert

admin 发表于 2008-12-26 18:07 | 0 条评论 | 1582 次阅读

<P>"The Bucket List" is a movie about two old codgers who are nothing like people, both suffering from cancer that is nothing like cancer, and setting off on adventures that are nothing like possible. I urgently advise hospitals: Do not make th… [详细内容]

分类:英文电影影评 | 来源:130影萍网 | 标签:无

阿尔菲 Alfie review by Roger Ebert

admin 发表于 2008-12-26 17:38 | 0 条评论 | 1167 次阅读

<P>Strange, that "Alfie" (1966) is halfway remembered as a comedy, when it was actually about a man who attempted to live life as comedy despite the lowering gloom which he thoroughly deserved. Alfie, in 1966 and again in the 2004 version, desp… [详细内容]

分类:英文电影影评 | 来源:130影萍网 | 标签:无

侦察 Sleuth review by Doris Toumarkine

admin 发表于 2008-12-26 17:26 | 0 条评论 | 1002 次阅读

<P>A peephole into the nastier corners of the male ego and human nature, the two-character Sleuth has enjoyed a robust life on the stage and on film. (Michael Caine had the role of the younger character, co-starring with Sir Laurence Oliver in … [详细内容]

分类:英文电影影评 | 来源:130影萍网 | 标签:无

无间道风云 The Departed review by Stephanie Zacharek

admin 发表于 2008-12-26 17:13 | 0 条评论 | 1328 次阅读

<P>In the same way that the Beatles' cover of Buck Owens' "Act Naturally" or the Stones' version of "Route 66" cut to the soul of American music without being American, Hong Kong cop and gangster movies have often seemed more quintessentially A… [详细内容]

分类:英文电影影评 | 来源:130影萍网 | 标签:无

托斯卡尼艳阳下 Under The Tuscan Sun review by James Berardinelli

admin 发表于 2008-12-26 17:13 | 0 条评论 | 960 次阅读

<P>It's vaguely disconcerting to admit that, less than 24 hours after seeing Under the Tuscan Sun, the thing I remember most clearly about it is neither the characters nor the situations, but the photography. This is a beautifully shot motion p… [详细内容]

分类:英文电影影评 | 来源:130影萍网 | 标签:无

成为朱莉娅 Being Julia review by James Berardinelli

admin 发表于 2008-12-26 17:01 | 0 条评论 | 1067 次阅读

<P>Istv醤 Szab?s latest picture, Being Julia, is based on a novella entitled "Theater" by W. Somerset Maugham. Not having read the source material, I can't speak to the faithfulness of the adaptation. But I can say that Being Julia is one of th… [详细内容]

分类:英文电影影评 | 来源:130影萍网 | 标签:无

小猪巴比 Babe review by ROGER EBERT

admin 发表于 2008-12-26 16:59 | 0 条评论 | 1372 次阅读

<P>Something passed between them: the faintest hint of a common destiny.</P> <P>I quote this line because you do not expect such language in a movie about a clever little pig. One of the chief delights of "Babe," indeed, is that it is such a … [详细内容]

分类:英文电影影评 | 来源:130影萍网 | 标签:无

大学之旅 College Road Trip review by Ethan Alter

admin 发表于 2008-12-26 16:52 | 0 条评论 | 1624 次阅读

<P>In >College Road Trip, one-time bad boy of comedy Martin Lawrence stars opposite a Disney Channel superstar, a pig and Donny Osmond, in that order. I'll pause to let that sink in for a moment. The guy who shot up drug lords alongside Will Sm… [详细内容]

分类:英文电影影评 | 来源:130影萍网 | 标签:无